The Power of Data for Governance: Closing Data Gaps to Accelerate Africa’s Transformation

The 2023 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) report, ‘The Power of Data for Governance: Closing Data Gaps to Accelerate Africa’s Transformation’, emphasizes the critical role of data in effective governance and continental progress.

The report highlights a strong correlation between high-quality data and successful governance across African countries. It emphasizes that the lack of comprehensive and reliable data hinders efforts to

  • Set baselines and targets for development goals
  • Design and implement effective policies
  • Track progress and measure impact
  • Ensure transparency and accountability

The report identifies several key data gaps that need to be addressed:

  • Incomplete and outdated population censuses: Many African countries haven’t conducted censuses in over a decade, leading to inaccurate population data crucial for resource allocation and policy planning.
  • Weak civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems: Inadequate birth and death registration hinders service delivery and social protection programs.
  • Limited data collection on key development indicators: The lack of data on education, health, poverty, and other critical areas makes it difficult to assess progress and identify areas needing improvement.

The report proposes several solutions to bridge the data gap:

  • Invest in statistical capacity building: Strengthening national statistical offices with resources and expertise to collect, analyze, and disseminate data effectively.
  • Modernize data collection methods: Leveraging technology like mobile phones and digital platforms for efficient and inclusive data gathering.
  • Promote data sharing and collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between government agencies, civil society, and the private sector to share data and expertise.
  • Strengthen legal frameworks for data governance: Enacting laws to protect privacy, ensure data security, and promote open data access.

By addressing these data gaps and harnessing the power of data, African countries can accelerate progress towards achieving their development goals and creating a more prosperous and equitable future for all citizens.

Download the report here.

Report courtesy of Mo Ibrahim Foundation.

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