Our services

EPIC-Africa provides services to facilitate the work of CSOs, their funders, and other ecosystem actors through three main activities​:

CSO landscape mapping exercises

We enable funders to identify potential grantee partners through customized mapping exercises

Our Recent Work​

Our team of experienced researchers has successfully completed numerous projects across the African continent, including: 

  • 5 Continental mappings​
  • 3 Regional mappings​
  • 1 Thematic mapping​
  • 2 Evaluations

Funder/grantee partnership effectiveness Assessments

We assess effectiveness of relationships between funders and their grantees to increase partnership value and effectiveness

Our Recent Clients

We have worked with diverse clients, including some of the world’s most renowned foundations and organizations. Some of our recent clients include: 

  • The Open Society Foundation
  • ​The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation​
  • UN High Commission for Refugees​
  • Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids​

CSO organizational capacity diagnosis and planning

We help CSOs to assess their organizational capacity and develop plans to fill the gaps

Our African CSO Platform consolidates our services and tools, offering a unique gateway to resources for and about African CSOs. This platform serves as a one-stop-shop, providing access to data, insights, learning materials, and networking opportunities that support the growth and effectiveness of CSOs and their funders.
Because creating and sustaining infrastructure is a long-term endeavor, this work to build strong civil society organizations — and with it a vibrant philanthropic ecosystem — is not for the faint of heart.
Rose Maruru
CEO & CO Founder

Our work fills critical data and capacity gaps in the African CSO sector

When it comes to solving the most difficult problems facing Africa, locally-led CSOs are at the forefront. Despite their critical contributions, African CSOs remain invisible, unrecognized, underfunded, and fragmented. ​ ​ EPIC-Africa is increasing availability and accessibility of data and actionable insights about African CSOs. This is a critical piece of the infrastructure needed to support a vibrant philanthropic ecosystem with diverse, influential, sustainable African civil society groups at its center. ​ ​ Through our services and tools CSOs and their funders can more easily connect, share knowledge, build capacity, and scale their impact.​

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