EPIC-Africa announces long-list for the 1st edition of the African Civil Society Organization (CSO) Excellence Awards

EPIC-Africa, the pan-African organization using innovations in technology to bring greater visibility and transparency to the African philanthropy sector, has today announced the 45 organizations long-listed for the African CSO Excellence Awards. The 45 CSOs were selected from close to 400 applicants hailing from 46 African countries.

 “These 45 organizations represent the width and breadth of the African civil society sector with applicants from 13 countries and working on all major issues impacting the continent such as Conflict resolution, education, water, sanitation and health . These CSOs stand out because of their commitment to organizational excellence as evidenced by their performance across the eight main indicators”, explained Adwoa Agyeman, co-founder of EPIC-Africa.

 The Awards, launched in 2018 with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, highlight the importance of organizational capacity to achieve program impact. They showcase civil society organizations who demonstrate excellence across eight key elements of organizational capacity: Strategic Ability and Adaptability, Leadership and Governance, Financial Health and Management, Human Resources and Staff Development, Operations, Communications, Partnerships and Alliances and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Rose Maruru, co-founder of EPIC-Africa added, “We are excited to see that African CSOs from 46 countries ranging in size and focus chose to participate in this inaugural edition of the African CSO Excellence Awards. The 45 CSOs on our long-list represent the best in organizational excellence and are a great example of best practices in key areas such as strategic ability, leadership and financial management. We are delighted to bring more visibility to their work.”

 The rigorous selection process for the African CSO Excellence Awards will see a further shortlisting to 27 CSOs by mid-March. The final winners across each category and the overall winner will be given the opportunity to fundraise on the international GlobalGiving Platform, benefit from a series of capacity building workshops, increase their media visibility and participate in networking opportunities through the African CSO Excellence Awards community.

Media contact
Chakera McIntosh
Communications Specialist

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