Our initiatives

A gateway to resources for, and about, African CSOs​

The African CSO Platform

The gateway to the African CSO sector. Providing data and knowledge about African CSOs to drive much needed change in how African CSOs and their funders relate. Offering funders and CSOs services, tools and space to connect, learn and share information.

The platform first addresses the main challenges of CSOs, providing them with greater visibility, opportunities and access to valued-added services  :

  • Free access to potential grant opportunities
  • Free access to the profiles of peer organizations in the same city/country/sector/etc. ​
  • Free access to updates on the philanthropic sector. ​
  • Free access to exclusive reports on any thematic of choice, providing key insights in sector-level trends​
  • Free exposure to thousands of funders and potential partners in the philanthropic space​
  • Access to value-added services provided by vetted third-parties​

The platform caters to funder-specific needs, enabling more efficient and effective grantmaking to locally-led CSOs​ :

  • Dynamic searchable database of African CSOs
  • Data-based actionable insights in o the African CSO landscape
  • Space for publicizing funding opportunities, updates, and other content relevant to African CSOs
EPIC-Africa empowers Giving Tuesday Senegal

Everyone has something to give and every act of generosity counts

The African CSO Excellence Awards

The Awards celebrate excellence in the African CSO sector and elevate the importance of organizational capacity to achieve program impact.

Demonstrate excellence

The African CSO Excellence Awards reward organizations that demonstrate excellence across eight key elements of organizational capacity: Strategic Ability and Adaptability, Leadership and Governance, Financial Health and Management, Human Resources and Staff Development, Operations, Communications, Partnerships and Alliances, Monitoring and Evaluation.

Discover The African CSO Platform - your hub for valuable resources and insights